Beëindiging support DataEase 8.5 en voorliggende versies per 01-01-2020.
Welke stappen zijn van belang! DataEase for Dos gebruikers adviseren wij om binnenkort te upgraden naar DE 8.5 voor Windows. Vanuit DE 8.5 zal de migratie naar DE 9 moeiteloos verlopen.
Uw upgrade inplannen kan via aanmelding op de website of neem hier contact met ons op.
dataease DataEase-for-Dos End-of-life Spier-It Business Solutions B.V. – DataEase EMEA Distributeur
DataEase, our history
DataEase is an RDBMS, and is considered a rapid application development tool for developing relationally-organized, data-intensive software applications for personal computers. DataEase was created in the early 1980s by software developers Arun Gupta[1] and Joseph Busch. The first version of the software was released in 1981 by Software Solutions Inc. The principals sold the company to Sapphire International Corporation of the United Kingdom in 1991. Sapphire continues to develop and market the product. There are two distinct product arcs in DataEase’ history: DataEase for DOS and DataEase for Windows.
- 2018 > installed base: 2 million seats

DataEase history
DataEase for Dos
DataEase for Dos
DataEase is an RDBMS, and is considered a rapid application development tool for developing relationally-organized, data-intensive software applications for personal computers. DataEase was created in the early 1980s by software developers Arun Gupta[1] and Joseph Busch. The first version of the software was released in 1981 by Software Solutions Inc. The principals sold the company to Sapphire International Corporation of the United Kingdom in 1991. Sapphire continues to develop and market the product. There are two distinct product arcs in DataEase’ history: DataEase for DOS and DataEase for Windows.
DataEase for Windows
DataEase for Windows
DataEase for Windows (DFW) is a rapid application development tool for constructing Windows database applications. DataEase for Windows abandoned many of the intuitive features of its DataEase for DOS ancestor. The DataEase for Windows product was designed and positioned to address the needs of the more technical programmer. This was due to the belief at the time that soon all data would be stored in SQL-based client-server platforms, and that DataEase itself would evolve into a SQL development tool.
DataEase for Windows was initially released in 1994, as a follow up to DataEase Express, which lacked the DQL procedural language. The user interface was overhauled and the automatic creation of data structures along with screens (Forms) was abandoned. Despite the fact that DataEase for Windows incorporated both an automated migration tool (from DE DOS 4.53) and the ability to directly acquire tables and data from DFD5, many long-time DataEase for DOS users found it difficult to break out from the hierarchical CUI paradigm and make best use of the new tools in the Windows product.
DataEase for Windows’ acceptance by existing DataEase for DOS users was therefore significantly hindered, and those who delayed the decision to move and instead upgraded to more recent DOS versions found that while they could share data with Windows versions, to achieve a full Windows application, forms and report layouts all had to be re-created from scratch in DFW. Even though business rules could be imported with the tables, and DQL’s could be imported also either by cutting and pasting or by the ‘DOS report’ facility in DFW version 5.5 on, the difficulty still remained that an application designed with a work-flow for the single-tasking DOS environment was frequently unsuited for the multi-session Windows environment. The difficulty and the considerable expense posed by the task of re-writing their applications forced many otherwise-satisfied DataEase users to reconsider their choice of the DataEase platform.
Conversely, new users of DataEase for Windows with no previous experience found it an effective tool, and some important systems were written using it during the second half of the 1990s. Since DataEase version 7 (2006) interoperability has been abandoned as being too restrictive for the product’s development to be a good ‘Windows citizen’.
DataEase at work
DataEase at Work
DataEase for DOS gained an eclectic following among application developers and those responsible for managing proprietary business processes in the corporate world. The DataEase Resource Guide, published by DataEase International in the late 1980s lists approximately two hundred commercially-available applications spanning specialized domains from Waste Management to Law Enforcement. Indeed, many corporate users deployed business-critical applications using DataEase including organizations such as NASA, Ford Motor Co., Citimortgage (FKA Lomas Financial Corporation), and the American Automobile Club.
DataEase for DOS was distributed worldwide and, according to information provided by Sapphire International, peaked at an installed base of approximately 2 million seats. Despite the fact that Sapphire ceased distribution of DataEase for DOS in 2003, a significant number of DataEase for DOS applications remained in active use worldwide as of 2008.
Beëindiging support @DataEase 8.5 en voorliggende versies per 01-01-2020.
Upgraden voor 1 januari 2020 naar DE 8.5 voor Windows. Vanuit DE 8.5 zal de migratie naar DE 9 veelal moeiteloos verlopen.
Upgrade inplannen >>
— gmx-sp_Deals (@DealsSp) December 10, 2019